Continuous Belt Processing
Continuous furnace heat treatment can be defined as any industrial furnace that utilizes a cast-link or mesh-link belt to move fabricated items through a primary heating chamber for swift thermal hardening. Continuous belt furnaces feature a tunnel structure that provides rapid thermal adjustments as well as evenly distributed heat to deliver a uniform treatment to the intended products. This manner of heat treatment allows for flexible capabilities pertaining to part-loading, reduced changeover time, stable temperature regulation, and the ability to combine multiple processes or part types in a single run.
Modern Industries performs neutral hardening, case hardening, and carbo-nitriding operations with polymer/water or oil quench capabilities in our continuous furnaces.
- (1) 48″ W x 4″ H Cast-Link Belt Furnace – 1,500 lbs. per hour
- (1) 36″ W x 4″ H Mesh-Link Belt Furnace – 1,500 lbs. per hour
- (1) 24″W x 4″H Mesh-Link Belt Furnace – 750 lbs. per hour
Continuous furnace heat treatment offers unique benefits over batch furnace applications and is capable of achieving multiple types of hardening depending on the required end use or specifications. Modern Industries continuous belt processing heat treatment provides three different hardening techniques. Each specific operation delivers unique benefits tailored specifically to benefit the final applications. These are neutral hardening, case hardening, and carbo-nitriding.
- Neutral Hardening: a continuous heat treatment hardening process that alters the required surface and core hardness specs of steel to provide incredible strength throughout the complete composition. Neutral hardening can be used for products that will experience a high load such as fasteners, tools, dies, and shafts.
- Case Hardening: a heat treatment process used to harden the surface of a metal while maintaining a ductile inner core combining the properties of both hard and soft metal into a singular part. Case hardening can be used on parts like bolts and gears, where the teeth and grooves necessitate a hardened surface to repair wear resistance.
- Carbo-Nitriding: a case hardening process achieved by supplementing nitrogen via NH3 gas to create a hardened surface layer that improves surface hardness and increases wear resistance. Carbo-nitriding is a suitable solution for the mass production of smaller components like pistons, rollers, and bearings.